AG Forever!

Speak Your Mind!

What Do You Think?

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"Speak Your Mind!" is my little quetion and answer column.  I ask a new question every once and a while (Keep checking back!) and I get a bunch of E-mails (See the 'contact me' page) and I post my favorite answers.  Remember when you E-mail me an answer to explain your answer, not just write a word, write 'Speak your mind entry!' as the subject and remember to put your name, E-mail, website URL (If you have one), age and youtube username (If you have one).  If there is any info like your website or E-mail that you don't want put up, tell me or I will put it up.  You probably don't want your E-mail up so remember to tell me.  Thanks! :) 


What makes you love AG so much? The dolls, the history, or something else? (BTW, those are just examples you don't have to pick out of those LOL)

Go to 'contact me' and enter today! :)