AG Forever!
Emily Bennett

My 8th/9th Doll!

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A lot of people get confused with my list of dolls when they see Emily's name before Molly's.  Well, here's my explanation.  I got Molly and Emily on the same day as Molly - Christmas 2006.  I opened Emily's box first, so I put her on the list first, but in my opinion, they're 'tied'.  Emily is shy, sweet and polite, and sometimes a little stubborn.  She can sometimes get into fights becuase she always thinks she's right, but she's a real sweetie, and my cutest doll! :) Speaking of cute, my other dolls just can't seem to get enough of her - she's their little cutie, and they love her.  She's the youngest, only 9, Julie, Ivy, Kit and the today girls are the oldest, being 13.

FULL NAME: Emily Danielle Bennett

NICKNAME: Just Emily!

DOLL FRIENDS: Josefina, Elizabeth and Ruthie

LIKES: Puns, math, spelling bees, helping others, riding her bike, visiting her sick aunt, drawing, getting dressed up, playing the flutophone and hanging out with Molly and her friends, attention - especially for her cuteness.

DISLIKES: People who think highly of themselves, when people give up, when people say England is odd, worthless, or 'NEEDS' America, when people laugh at words from England, bombings, loud noises, sirens, crying, scary movies.

DREAM JOB: Emily hasn't really found her 'thing' yet.  She's still searching for that one thing she's GREAT at!

PERSONALITY: Polite, shy, sweet, kind, sensitive, determined. 

FAVORITE COLORS: Blue and yellow