AG Forever!

Felicity Merriman

My 4th Doll!

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Felicity, my 4th doll, is a fun-loving, energetic, adorable little redhead! Everything about her is bright and sunny, and she is a natural with horses.  But that's not all there is to Lissie! She's fabulous at sports, persuading people to do things they don't want to do, and well, living life to the fullest!

FULL NAME: Felicity Abigail Merriman

NICKNAME: She is called Lissie by everyone but Samantha.

DOLL FRIENDS: Elizabeth, Kit, Molly and everybody else, but especially those three.

LIKES: Just about everything! Nature, horses, Penny, Elizabeth, secretly she looks up to Kit, sports, running, jumping, climbing, water, plants and flowers, getting dirty, reading, painting, crafts, playing the guitar, good friends, good times, fun, meeting new people, and...swimming! Molly brought them all on a little field trip where they all got to swim, and Lissie swam for the first time!

DISLIKES: Sewing, dancing, singing, Annabelle, when Kit is too bossy and serious, when Kit calls her 'impractical', when Elizabeth gets shy when they're not with the other ten girls.

DREAM JOB: Felicity is not sure what she wants to be - that's how Lissie is - she lives life to the fullest and enjoys being a kid!

PERSONALITY: Intelligent, funny, charismatic, adorable, friendly, interesting, energetic, sporty, lively, silly, talkitive and she's also optimistic! :)

FAVORITE COLOR: Forest green